10 May 2005

Images and Calculus Books

The math teacher who wrote the Calculus book that almost every engineer and science major used in college over the past 25 -30 years has died. Louis Leithold was 80 and apparently a much beloved instructor.
I can guarantee you his book is still on the shelf of thousands of scientist and engineers around the world! Supposedly he came up with a way to make it much easier to understand
(If his was the easy version..I would have hated to see the hard one!)
Here is to all you teachers out there who make such a difference!!

Drought in Australia...Bad one too. This usually happens in El Nino years and we are supposedly going out of a weak El Nino right now. Might be in for a surprise perhaps?? Not exactly wet around here. We have had only 70% of our normal rainfall from Jan 1st through May 9th.

The unusually cool April is definitely a thing of the past as well with temps. this week likely to average 5-10 degrees ABOVE normal.

For those of you who send in weather pictures..some helpful hints:
1. Send a jpeg image and make it at least 800x600. I cannot use smaller images on air.
2.A great program for resizing and viewing images is called irfanview and it is absolutely free.
3. Please do not send a huge file of over 2 megs. I can resize a large pic of say 3072x2100 down..just no bigger please.
4. Dont compress it much...you will get artifacts and turn a great pic into a lousy one.
5. the worlds best program for working with images is Photoshop. It is definitely NOT free but if photography is your hobby, you will end up buying it sooner or later !!
