13 June 2005

So Long Arlene

Well, as I thought, Arlene was just a tropical storm and brought some much needed rain to the area. Tropical storms and hurricanes play a big part on keeping the water tables up in this part of the world. I can remember many droughts that were broken by a tropical system.

Have never owned property on a beach. Not going to buy any either. Where ocean meets land is one of the most geological unstable areas on the planet. The land will change without doubt given time. You can hold it off for awhile..sometimes a long while. (Galveston's sea wall is a good example)

Sea walls protect the homes behind the beach, but they actually destroy the beach itself.I won't go into the hows and whys here, but if you doubt me, pick up a basic Geology text book. This is not something that is in doubt scientifically.

I will blog as usual this week but then I am taking some holiday time. Heading to Toronto. (Tim Horton's here I come) Also going to do a little buisiness and do a weekend weather seminar in Boston.

I shall do a whole blog on Tim horton's sometime....for those of you who have spent anytime in Canada, you already know...
