Busted Forecasts
Well I had a pretty good streak of over 2 weeks without a busted forecasts. That came to an end on Thursday. .21 inches of partly cloudy to be exact.
When this happens I go back and look at the charts and models and ask myself what I missed. Many times the answer is nothing. The models did not catch it and most of the time my forecast would have verified.
Did the same today and frankly I think I misread the situation. Could have/should have...That is the great thing about forecasting..you always have another forecast to try again!
Many things about Meteorology fascinate me. Many aspects of Science in general.
To me though, Making a forecast is the best.
My wife says I would be just as happy doing it for 3 people as 100,000 or more and she is probably right. (My daughter says all of our family holiday pics are of clouds!)
Make no mistake about it, if I ever had to choose between tv and weather..the hot lights and greasy make up would go!
That said the internet has made it possible to have much more contact with viewers than was ever possible before. I get quite a few emails each day with pics and specific forecast requests.
I Love to show the pictures and am more than happy to work up a forecast for someone. I once did a forecast for a guy going sailing on the Red sea at Christmas time...I wonder how that one turned out....