I'm Still here
My apologies at such a long delay between posts. Exceptionally busy week. We are working on some new weather graphics and I think you will like them. Much clearer and very pleasing to the eye. To be honest I have not been a real fan of the current scheme. The new one is the best I have seen. Just when you will see it on air is uncertain. Probably in a month or so.
Many thanks to all who keep sending such great photos to use on air. As a camera buff myself, I really enjoy it. Everyone who takes photos likes to show them off and I am glad I can be an outlet for doing that. Our viewers like it too, I have had many emails.
As many of you know, I am working on my Masters in Earth Science and my 2 weeks between Summer Semester and Autumn Semester are almost gone. Still the time was used reading some fiction that I have been putting off so besides recommending the new Harry Potter book (Which is great) I can recommend all 3 of Dan Browns books. He is the guy who wrote the DaVinci Code.
My daughter and I share a keen interest in the Harry Potter story and now I cannot wait for the next movie. I have been to several of the locations that are shown in the movies. In London they have a banner over platform 9 at Kings Cross station. Those books will be popular for a hundred years plus I imagine.
But will J.K Rowling be famous enough to be buried in Poets corner at Westminster Abbey with the likes of Charles Dickens and Chaucer....hmmmmm.