Storm Reports and other stuff on my mind
I frequently get asked for information on when the last hail storm was for a particular area. This is usually because someone has hail damage and the insurance company wants proof that it hailed before they will replace a roof. Hail damaged a roof of mine on Florida back in the early 90's but the insurance comapany never asked for proof! Then again, maybe they did not want to argue with a meteorologist.
If you find yourself needing info like this I have good news! The Storm Prediction Center now keeps a log of every severe weather event reported to every NWS office in the country. It's online too.
I pass on all our reliable storm reports to the NWS because I know it will likely end up in the data base for just such a need. Also, researchers in the future will need this info as well.
Here is where you can look at the log:
So the next time you have hail or significant wind damge form a storm...take a pic and send me the facts. You will be doing someone a favour!