Pop or Soda and The Great Melt Down...
Before I get into the meat of tonight's blog. Check this link out:
I always said soda ...
I get about 3 minutes a night to do the forecast. Actually that is about right. (Don't ever tell a producer I said that) Any longer and it would put people to sleep.
We all lead busy lives and you do not watch the news because you have nothing else to do...
(well most of us)
You want to be informed and you don't have all day. Believe me I realize that. That is why I focus on the weather here in the Valley. If I talk about somewhere else, it is usually because that system will be affecting us shortly.
Time is why I rarely mention climate change. That does not mean it is not an important topic.
It is.
It's also one that doesn't lend itself well to being covered in a 30 minute newscast. Yes it is controversial and has become overly politicized. Perhaps that is why it is not given more coverage here in the States.
But it is a perfect topic for this BLOG
(Here is where you should feel sorry for our web master, who I suspect would like me to keep these things light and short!)
I am going to post some info over the next few blogs on global warming. Hopefully it will be interesting and I'll sort through all the hype and give you some good web links for more info.
If you have already made up your mind on global warming based on political beliefs or an expert on atmospheric physics who is filling in on talk radio, then read no further.
If, however, you would like to know the consensus and thought of the best and the brightest scientist on the planet...stay tuned.
To start, some definitions. If you are going to read anything on global warming other than a news story, you will need to understand some basic terminology. I will add these in as they come up.
ANTHROPOGENIC- man made or man induced
So if someone is talking about anthropogenic warming, they are talking about warming of the earth due to mans influences on the planet.
Next: IPCC
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(Just knowing the above defintions should be enough to quiet any "know it all" at any party your at who professes to know the truth on global warming)
The IPCC is made up of the best and the brightest of the worlds earth scientists. The IPCC was established in 1988 by the World Meteorological organization and the United Nations Environment Programme. (yes the spelling is correct)
They have issued several reports, the latest being the 3rd assessment in 2001.
The reports are long and complicated but there is an excellent summary for policy makers.
(I wonder how many of them really read it)
Here is a link to it. It's a pdf file.
Read it! More soon!